Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Texas A&M University System

New state headquarters building for the advancement of transportation and safety research in Texas.

Location: Bryan, TX

Size: 190,000 GSF

Delivery Method: Design-Build

Construction Type: New Construction

Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Texas A&M University System
Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Texas A&M University System
Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Texas A&M University System
Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Texas A&M University System


The Texas A&M Transportation Institute had been headquartered at Texas A&M University for decades. But its growth had resulted in decentralization of operations into four different facilities, hindering agency-wide collaborative research and interactions among faculty and staff. Additionally, the TTI researchers needed more convenient access to other research and testing facilities located at A&M’s newest campus, the RELLIS Campus.


Texas A&M hired Energy Architecture to design “an impressive and intriguing statement building” in a high visibility location. The building offers dynamic training rooms, collaboration areas, conferencing, workrooms, break areas, offices, and support spaces to showcase the agency’s research strengths and foster industry partnerships in the advancement of transportation and safety research. The five-story building is comprised of three wings, organized along a central circulation core. A series of landscaped, outdoor collaboration environments surround the building on three sides, encouraging meetings and interaction among departments and guest collaborators. The largest, a central quad, organizes three complementary building masses and is outfitted to host events and significant outdoor gatherings.

Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Texas A&M University System